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- Departure
- Arrival
- Route
- Working days
- 07:0003:20Київ - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 08:4003:20Житомир - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 10:3003:20Вінниця - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 10:5503:20Літин - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 11:2503:20Летичів - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 12:1503:20Хмельницький - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 14:0503:20Кам'янець Подільський - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 15:3503:20Чернівці - РусеTuesday, Saturday
- 16:5005:20Русе - ЧернівціWednesday, Saturday
- 16:5007:10Русе - Кам'янець ПодільськийWednesday, Saturday
- 16:5007:50Русе - ХмельницькийWednesday, Saturday
- 16:5009:40Русе - ВінницяWednesday, Saturday
- 16:5011:20Русе - ЖитомирWednesday, Saturday
- 16:5013:00Русе - КиївWednesday, Saturday
- 22:0003:30Харків - РусеMonday, Friday
- 00:1503:30Полтава - РусеMonday, Friday
- 19:3003:30Запоріжжя - РусеMonday, Friday
- 22:0003:30Дніпро - РусеMonday, Friday
We sincerely believe that a comfortable, fast and budget trip from one city to another guarantees satisfaction with the services we provide. Thanks to our many years of experience, we can confidently say that traveling on Pavluks-Trans buses will become a pleasant habit for you, and the reservation and payment system will allow you to book tickets in advance and at a time convenient for you.
Choose - book - travel!Pavluks-trans - good start of your travel!